
Jul 29, 2012

He Heals the Broken Hearted

Leaving behind the comfort of living life with our Arizona friends on a daily basis was not easy on us girls.  Perhaps Zion took it the hardest.  She cried and cried for months.  Sobbing at night until she fell asleep.

It was so difficult to see her grieving and yet....so sweet in another way.  My heart ached for her yet at the same time...I was pleased that she is such a deep feeler...and so in love with others.

At times...she would yell at us...screaming in anger that we ruined her life and did the wrong thing by moving to L.A.

Other times...she would just sigh deeply and cuddle closer.

We kept leading her back to the Lord and let her know that her issue wasn't with us...but with Him.  And her lack of trust in us was really a lack of trust in Him.

Big lessons for a little girl.

After a year and a little bit...I do believe she is realizing more and more how much she is loved and provided for by her Father in Heaven.

One of the ways He has helped heal her broken heart is by bringing Aubrey into her life.  They had a bit of a rocky start...but the Lord worked it all out and now they are pretty much inseparable.  

The LORD is near to the brokenhearted
and saves the crushed in spirit.

Psalm 73:26