
Jul 27, 2012

For Such a Time as This

The Lord does speak to me via the sea.  He does so via the wind too.  And via rain.

And through birds...the chirping of birds...but even more so...just birds.  Whenever I come across a bird...I hear the Lord.

There is something about birds.

Well, the Lord did speak to my heart during our time at the ocean yesterday....actually on the drive there.  I processed all through the walk and communicated during the drive back through the canyon.

What I'm hearing has been confirmed loudly by three other people in the past few days.  All converging now.

For such a time as this.

Bradley, my husband, is an actor.  That is how he is made.

He is a filmmaker.  A self taught shooter and editor...trained in the fields of life.  Cedars of Lebanon is the film he wants to make.

A wife's prayer...

Because he is a man who fears You, Lord he will provide for his family by doing what is necessary.  Because he fears You,  Lord..he will trust that the desires of his heart are planted there by you and that You will open doors when they are to be opened.

Lord, grant us patience.  Wisdom.  Perseverance.  You are the author and the perfecter of our faith.

Originally Posted: July 8, 2011

On a side note....what do I do with this amazing collection of sea  stuff?  I want to preserve it in some sort of project.  Any ideas?