
Jul 27, 2012

the church

Honestly, I think we've all been a bit apathetic about finding a new place to worship corporately.  I know for a fact, I have been. 

I needed a break.  A time of respite.  Not from the Lord.  From the culture. 

12 years on staff...living and breathing our gifts...it wasn't always easy or fun...but it was where He chose to plant us and one of the ways in which He chose to grow us.

Then...the uprooting.  And then....the transplanting. 

Into new soil. 

Praise the Lord that the church is not a building. 

Solid teaching...God honoring worship and service opportunities abound.

Encouraged in Los Angeles by what's happening over at Grace Community Church and Realityla.

To be side by side this morning...taking communion...all 7 of us Greggs...alongside 3 other Arizonians in a high school auditorium @ Fountain and Van Ness........it was almost too much for me to handle.  Let's just say....  snots...lots of snots. 

LORD!  You are so good to me!

Originally Posted: October 2, 2011