
Feb 25, 2009

The other day we pass by a chain gang setting up by the side of the road.....preparing to do community clean up. The ladies are all dressed in black & white striped jumpers and Zion is very intrigued. Later that afternoon, she climbs into my lap and asks soberly if she will ever have to go to jail. "Well, no. Not if you obey the law...."....I assure her. She starts to cry. "But, I don't know the law. How can I obey it if I don't know it?" "Honey, people who choose to lie, cheat, and steal go to jail." She perks up a bit and wipes her tears. "Oh.....then I won't have to go to jail." A minute later...... after some quiet cuddles she looks up and says..."Is it against the law to marry your brother?" "Yes, that's against the law." More tears. "Then who am I going to marry?" ""Well, I know you are not going to marry your brother but I bet the Lord has a perfect man picked out for you. You may even already know your future husband. Is there anybody you know....besides your brothers....who maybe the Lord might one day reveal as your future husband?" A long pause and then a smile. "Yes."

"Who? Tell Mommy."


""Ohhhhhhh.....What do you like about _______?".......I ask.

"His hair."

"Ohhhhhh.....I agree. His hair is is soooooooo great."

Then......through giggles......."And his face."

With all the Godly young men surrounding this little one....I do not know if her future husband stands a chance.


Alex Karl said...

oh my gosh that was the cutest story i have ever heard!! i love her!