
Aug 31, 2010

So for whatever reason/s He sees fit...the Lord has us.... and many of those around us.... walking through similar life circumstances at this point in time. I can count at least 1/2 dozen humble men men of various ages who share their hearts w/Bradley and with whom....he shares his.

It reminds me of the way us women gather together around relationship & child rearing discussions.

It reminds me of those within the body whom are under conviction regarding the same things at the same time in history.

Oh, Lord! You are an intimate Father. You are behind the scenes...orchestrating the events of our lives according to your good and perfect will. And when you show us a sign of your goodness as a response to our desperate pleas....we tremble at your tenderness.

"Now is the time for feats of faith and valiant exploits."
CH Spurgeon

(click for link)

"Anywhere Lord, as long as it's forward."
John Politan