
Jan 10, 2010

Big Love

New season of Big Love starts tonight! This show is psychotic.

And "no"....we are not LDS.

We (some of us in the home) are evangelical born again followers of the Biblical Christ...saved & living by grace.

In a nutshell:
Mercy....not getting what we deserve.
Grace...getting something we don't deserve.


Integrity Singer said...


Big Love - that's the show where some do-gooder parents take in some other family's kids for a week or two and try to make the kids better?

yeah. If so, I watched that show once, nearly puked 'cuz it's so nauseating. Reality TV is never reality.

I have the same issue with Biggest Loser. You can't take someone from their normal life and 24/7 innundate them with perfect eating choices and exercise opportunities and then expect them to go back home to their old problems, hold habits, old relationships adn expect them to stay changed. It's so unrealistic.

and don't even get me started on Extreme Homemakeover! LOL

reality TV is NEVER reality

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

I CAN'T WAIT!!! Can we have a season finale party together? I feel like we need to have a club or something...so we can discuss. Because after every episode...I have thoughts....and I want to share with you...cause I want to hear your thoughts... Anyways....finale...you....me...some hummus...and a lot of thoughts. What say?

Sean's Ladies said...

Jennie-I'm with you on those reality tv shows. they suck me in every once in awhile. :/
no, it is a HBO drama show about a polygamist.