
Jan 25, 2010

10 Random Honest Things About Me

Tagged by Galilee.

1. I have an aversion to brangelina.
2. I am a big time procrastinator.
3. I hardly EVER iron anything.
4. I cannot face life w/out cheese & bread.
5. I love film & the written word.
6. Given the above 2 in 1 answer (I am a cheater.)
7. I miss someone deeply.
8. I loved my childhood.
9. I would marry my hubby all over again (just not in a restaurant called Jezebel by a unitarian minister.)
10. I am a conservative hippie.


familygregg said...

I appreciate it that you participated. I hope you enjoyed doing it.
Love you.

Sean's Ladies said...

I love the way you talk about your randomness