
Feb 16, 2010

It's so interesting to me how certain "things" exist in our lives because they exist in our "cultures."

Like side hugs.

I get the point of them completely. I understand the reason for their existence. I have grown to appreciate them even...and use them all the time.

Side hugs between me and men other than my husband, dad, or sons are the norm.

I can no longer say side hugs are the norm all the time...though.

You see...we have these friends for whom side hugs MUST translate Cold Hearted Ice Queen. It hit me one day.... that through my very appropriate and proper side hugs.... I was speaking a language these dear loved ones did not understand at all. It had to have been offensive and off putting. At the very least....confusing.

So, now I side hug people who side hug and...

full on hug the full on huggers.


Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

I like the run and wrap legs around waist and spin hug. Just so you know next time we see each other.

Sean's Ladies said...

hate side hugs. If I can't give a real hug then I probably don't want to be hugging that person anyway. creeeeeepppppy. those are reserved for the people that think they should hug you but shouldn't and initiate the side hug. yes, I have issues.

JM said...

I think side hugs make you think about why you are not hugging with a real hug, and then you have a very weird moment. Miss you!