
Aug 15, 2009

So yesterday....I go over to my girlfriend, Lisa's house and start complaining about my MATH DAY FROM HELL...all the while knowing that I'm being convicted to go deeper rather than run away or bury my head in the sand....because the fact that we even had a m.d.f.h....most likely/definitely means that our family has some character issues that need addressing...and that MATH is not really the core problem at all.

She gives me an article to read.


Yeah, she's the friend you will read about over there on the right side of my blog...in the "home-education" section...who asked if I was doing this home-education thing in my own strength all those years ago. The one who challenged the "take it one year at a time" mentality I had fallen into at the high school panic mode freak out fear based juncture.

Every home-educating Mom needs a friend like her.

I might even be that friend to you. It's my own convictions I sometimes have trouble walking in...it's my own "wise" advice I sometimes have trouble following.

All this to say....read the article. It's fabulous and reiterates everything I know to be true but on occasion would like very much to deny. If not deny...then at least ignore for a little while until it goes away.....which it never does.


David said...

Okay so I'll admit it, math kills me. And I'm a banker. Of course high school & college math were pre-Jesus for me so maybe it would have went better/easier if I had Him to rely on. Some how I got through it.

And I'm also one of those oblivious parents that didn't know home education was even an option.

All this said I would have helped the economy and hired the tutor or tried to barter with some one brighter than myself that the topic comes easy to.

You are amazing! I pray the kids appreciate you in a very Big Way!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

hey dawn - just read this article a couple of weeks ago -LOVED IT!!! we are not math people at our house either - but have found teaching textbooks to be an absolute answer to prayer! hang in there!!!