
Aug 29, 2009

Socialized Education

Okay....so I've been processing something for the past couple of weeks.

I have been wondering why I have such a check in my spirit every time I see government financial aid paperwork and advertisements while on campus w/the boys. I haven't looked in to anything...but this little red flag keeps popping in to my brain each time I even ponder the possibility of reading the info. In an attempt to further my own understanding...I promise to read through the material tomorrow or the next day....or when I get around to it.

Obviously, I am opposed to the government being in charge of / even involved in my childrens' education.

Obviously, I am opposed to even the very idea of single-payer health care.

They correlate.

In these areas I do not want the government telling me what to do...when to do it...who to do it with...or how to do it. I do not think government has a Constitutional leg to stand on as far as these matters are concerned.

Who knows where this will lead? What else will be revealed though all these musings? Unravel in my thinking? It feels like a snowball is headed downhill and gaining momentum.

I am pretty sure that if a country buys in to socialized education...then one day they will buy in to socialized health care. Why wouldn't they?

If it sends it's kids to government run schools without blinking an eye...but opposes government run health care...well then at least they would have to acknowledge the inherent inconsistency.

Remember all those oppressed citizens two thousand some odd years ago who thought Jesus would come as a political figure and rescue from the then current climate? And all the political leaders of the day who thought the unassuming Man who entered town on a donkey to cries of "Hosanna" would upset their political apple carts?

Politics cannot save us.


Time for the Greggs to search high and low for private scholarships. It's hard work but someone's gotta do it.


Unknown said...

my thinking keeps going the same way! in tennessee many of my Christian friends are sending their children to school on the"Hope" scholarship - funded by the state lottery...and what about cash for clunkers??? same thing! not to say we will easily be able to afford our children's tuition for college, but i'm pretty sure the Lord is leading us to say "no thanks" to the government! which means...He will provide.