
May 7, 2019

I haven't paid a visit to my blog in a while.  I miss you, Dear Friend.

Instagram, facebook, twitter, a photo blog and a website have pulled my attention away from this space.

I love this space.  I used to process life here.

Maybe I'm being drawn back????? 

I'll be praying about it.

This lapse in visible and discernable activity reminds me of  STEPPING HEAVENWARD


imt3ja said...

motu patlu game

-blessed b9, Catalyst4Christ said...

I couldn't've put it any moe succinct, dear:
love others as Jesus has loved you.
Whots so damm difficult bout that???
We all perish. Hear me, O'bomba???
Some peepow are never allowed in Upstairs
cuzza their evil deeds. Cya at the Wedding Feast.