
Apr 9, 2011


What do you do when the Lord tells you to do something that really makes no earthly sense at all?

That's what He has done w/ us. We are hearing very clearly (though not audibly LOL!) one word... over and over again.


So we are preparing. Have been for a bit. Spiritually, emotionally and physically. We continue to do so.

For what, you might ask?

Who the heck knows for sure???????? We think we know...but we don't really know.

I have been pleading with the Lord for clarity....even asked my facebook friends to pray for it. And now I am asking you, my blog friends to pray whenever the Lord brings us to mind.

Maybe He gave me a hint of something today? Maybe this is a bit of encouragement directly from Him, my loving father?

I know of no other way in which to interpret this message...which spoke to my heart...just as it was beginning to fail.


Andy and Kiara said...

Praying....for clarity, courage, peace.