
May 29, 2009

High School Grad

A few years ago....our eldest, Bria.....was ready to begin a high school level course load...which instantaneously sent me into panic mode.

At the time, he thought he really wanted to go to "school."

I...the official day in and day out overseer of his education.... was unsure about what to do. I was shaky about my previously held deep down convictions because I was lacking in "high school" teaching experience and confidence.

Not wanting to miss some sort of boat...and wanting to cover all our bases....we kept our options open. He spent the day shadowing at a local charter school. He paid a visit to a larger campus on the other side of town...gave a writing sample etc.

Bradley and I were not settled with either option. People would think that my tears came every time I thought about "letting him go"....you know, because I'd miss him as he ventured out into the "big bad world." But that wasn't the case. I got weepy every time I thought about keeping him home. I couldn't talk about it without filling up. I knew the Lord was bringing me out of a place where I had grown comfortable. I absolutely knew within a short period of time....that my struggle wasn't with sending him off....but with moving forward and walking with assurance in the Lord. Walking the path he had set us on way back when....in humility and confidence.

Co-op was the only thing that made sense to us...and community college. My heart knew what we were to do but we had a son who might think otherwise.

Bria was given an option and we prayed that his heart would align w/ours. Veritas Prep or home-education.

He chose home-education.

Today he graduates high school at 17 w/his freshman year of college completed. We are so thankful for our boy. Yeah, sure we are proud....of all his hard work and initiative....but we are thankful above pride because of who he is in the Lord and how he works out his salvation. Thankful to the Lord...the One who guides Bria's steps and leads his heart.

The Lord does not always call the equipped...but He always equips the called.
One kid down...four to go!


Sean's Ladies said...

YAY Brave For God!!!! We love you!!!

Ginger said...

lovely you guys! so good to Brad and the whole family. Love those boys!