
Oct 2, 2007

Happy Birthday, Papa

I have an earthly father who loves unconditionally...who sacrifices daily....who picks up his cross and lays down his life every step of the way. When I was a child....he was there all the time...swimming, riding bikes, playing backgammon, catching butterflies.... and collecting seashells. When I was teen ....coming home in the wee hours of the morning.... as teens tend to do...he stayed awake until he knew I was safe...always...without fail and when I cried and complained, "I just don't get it!"....he went over my algebra with me. When I brought home a rebel...he found ways to embrace him. When I gave him grandchildren...he loved them...and holds a very special spot in his heart for the ones he never got to hold in his arms. He gifts us with piano....and provides drums and guitars so that his grandchildren can follow their passions. He drives to doctors appointments...to math lessons...and everywhere in between. He is my dad. The one who packs up the boys and heads North a few times a year so that they might experience the joys of hunting, plays tennis with them and discusses the intricacies of politics and the stock market. He's the one who rides the tracks at the choo choo train park with the girls...takes them to "kids" films and gives art lessons in his garage. My father is a gift from the Lord. Because of him...I am able to trust easily. He's passionate, truthful, transparent and humble before the Lord. He is warrior for Christ. My father.


Sean's Ladies said...

Happy Birthday, Richie! You are blessing to all of us...not just your family.

Susan G said...

What an awesome blessing you have in him! Thank you Jesus for his testimony to all of us!
Love, the Green's!