
Jul 29, 2010

This man, Oswald Chambers....speaks to my heart. I will never forget this morning's devotional time with Bradley....as we read July 29th's message beneath overcast skies.

Jul 28, 2010

The Tale of Despereaux

One of the best "Christian" films I've seen. Really really good. So much to talk about.

Deitrich Bonhoeffer

Never heard of him B.C.

His story should without a doubt be included in every history text book.

A pastor working secretly w/others to assassinate Hitler who died a martyrs death.

At least a paragraph.

Found his thoughts on Christian fellowship. Challenging. Convicting.

Maybe it's time to re-read The Cost of Discipleship.

I'm curious about his theology.

Jul 25, 2010

Three things that rocked my world this week:

Braverijah's facebook status read...."We are the music makers. We are the dreamers of dreams."


Upon returning from his fun filled stay....... he said that he's glad he did not grow up in Los Angeles.


The pointed eye contact we shared during today's sermon.

3 John 1:4

Today's Ozzie

"............We do not need to be born again to apply the Sermon on the Mount literally. The literal interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount is as easy as child’s play. But the interpretation by the Spirit of God as He applies our Lord’s statements to our circumstances is the strict and difficult work of a saint............"

Jul 23, 2010

Just as we were trying to figure out how best to pay for dinner tonight w/ guests....a check arrived for $109. Thank you, Lord...for working thru the Screen Actor's Guild of America.

I am extremely grateful for the counsel of wise and mature Christians. It's not always easy to break away from the status quo dictated by culture.

This message warrants much respect.

Jul 21, 2010

So we are doing this cheap summer movie thing...and we got to see Monsters vs Aliens.

Zion sees an animated version of the Transamerica Pyramid...

.....and says,

"Is that the Tower of Babel?"

Tea Party

We had such a lovely tea w/ the Taylor girls and poor little Hudson :(

btw...if you are into shabby chic (which I am)....invite yourself into Lisa's home. She's got it NAILED! I'm so jealous because she is going to some fabulous flea market next week that sounds very much like the Rose Bowl of yesteryear..... and I cannot go because I will not be in that camper van on that road trip :(

Stan Laurel by Galilee under the tutelage of Tamara Swindler

And because I am an intentional home-educating mom..... now I guess I gotta go pull up some youtube clips so she gets a clue as to who he was and what he did and why he's iconic.

Jul 20, 2010

Serves me right to let my sons use my new 5D MARK II (btw.....I love it YEAH!!!!!!) They erased the memory card that had all the museum photos on it...w/out asking before they went to shoot a music video.

So.....this is whatcha get re; the Cezanne exhibit....

Jul 18, 2010

Reformed Living

What a message!

And today's as well. Sobering lessons from the life of Judas Iscariot.

Is it me, Lord? Could it be me? The correct frame of mind for those who understand the depth of their own sinfulness.

Thank YOU, Lord. Thank YOU, Lord. Thank YOU, Lord...for quenching our thirst in parched places.


Prayers for our boys, please. In California for the week.

Jul 15, 2010

"Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."

A quote from a facebook friend.

Jul 13, 2010

When we recently had a sit down talk and asked Braverijah Sage if he should be hanging out w/ ABCD &E.......our wisdom filled eldest's response was...."Should you be hanging out w/ FGHI & J?"

We know that we are supposed to be....soooo.....

Galilee's drawing bottom left.

Jul 12, 2010

Okay...so our sons are on a Super Walmart Excursion w/ a few of their friends. They have a list of To Do's. I told them that there would be NO bailing out of jails tonight.

Hold me accountable, Friends.

If the Popo shows up...they sleep in the slammer.

PAUSE my Music Player first.

As they find their wings and fly.

Jul 9, 2010

I recently had lunch w/ a friend and we talked about many things. One thing we discussed in particular stands out in my mind.

Are we communicating love or are we communicating that others are expendable? Are we living as if we are loved or are we living as if we are expendable?

.....that may be expended: as a : normally used up or consumed in service b : more easily or economically replaced than rescued, salvaged, or protected

I know without doubt that this talk was ordained for this time in my life by a sovereign Lord who loves me.

It might've taken me by surprise....

....but it did not take Him by surprise.

Exodus 20:3-4

He is jealous for our affections and will cause all idols to come crashing down because He is good.

Jul 8, 2010

Our Pride & Joys

Jul 6, 2010

Huge foe....this heroin. It sucks balls and I mean that in the most Christ-like manner.

I'm dying here. Not willing to see another die. I am kicking and screaming. Pleading. Imploring. Begging. On my knees. Face down.

He was baptized, Lord...in Your name. The story of Jonah & the Whale is his favorite.

Lord, You & You alone know. You & You alone see the heart.

Help him.

Help my unbelief.

Jul 5, 2010

Have you ever discovered something about yourself...well, actually it's better to ask it this way........Has anything ever been revealed to you about yourself...which makes you cringe?

Me too.

Jul 3, 2010

Scene Study Class

Braverijah and Mcabe were contemplating taking an Acting Class together....but instead.....have asked Bradley and I to put something together for those in our community who are interested in film/drama/writing etc.

Because we love our boys & want to be near them as much as possible and because we want to assist them and others in reaching for their dreams.... and because we love this sort of stuff passionately....

......HERE GOES!

8 Week Session
/ We can start soonish
Fridays 7-9ish pm
Intimate Setting...our home :)
Low cost. Call me or facebook me for details.

Expect to....... feel safe, feel nervous, be challenged, laugh, yell, maybe cry, try hard, present monologues, work w/partners, go on camera, do cold readings, be very afraid, want to run, receive instruction, share ideas, do homework, bring your emotions to a photo shoot, be stretched into uncomfortable places, tear apart and reconstruct scenes, dive into character, discover more about yourself, grow.

Jul 1, 2010

The Summer Set

The boys have a video up on MTV's site.