
Jan 21, 2014

Highland Park

Paid a visit to Highland Park tonight. 

We've decided to visit all the local Farmer's Markets and this one was on our list.  

NEVER in my life have I seen such HUGE heads of cauliflower!!!!!!!!

Brad made friends with a local business owner/politician of sorts.  He wants the area...overrun by gangs in the 80's... to revive...BUT..... is fighting against revitalization methods that would drive out much of the Hispanic population that has grown such deep roots in the neighborhood.  Highland Park was one of LA's earliest settlements. 

Bringing in new restaurants...shops...businesses...is always good for a community....but it will  mean rents rise and those who struggle already...are pushed out and forced to relocate. Hipsters take their place I suppose.

It's such a tragic tale that never ends.   For some.

For others...it's the beginning of a fairy tale ending I suppose.

Infused water is all the rage here in LA.  Vendors make their batches in the morning and the later in the day you buy a glass...the better it tastes.